Birth of Ezra | BloomWell Birth Center Pensacola, FL

Ezra Lukes’s birth at BloomWell Birth Center in Pensacola, Florida was a long awaited blessing. After big sister Aislinn’s birth, this family struggled for years with unexplained secondary infertility.

The birth itself was nothing short of beautiful. Despite a brief insistence that we take her to the hospital (which, as us birth workers know, is a pretty sure sign that we’re about to have a baby), Kathryn delivered calmly, quietly, and quickly in the most beautiful freestanding birth tubs around.

This was my first experience at BloomWell since they opened and I was really lovely. Very serene and and the facilities are beautifully appointed. Midwife Amber’s headlamp during delivery was an unexpected bonus for me. I was able to turn off my flash and capture some images with really interesting light and shadow play.

Would you ever consider delivering at a birth center or is a hospital more your speed?