Finley's Newborn Lifestyle | Pensacola Infant Photographer


Do you remember baby Finley from her Fresh 48 at West Florida Hospital? Well, I can't even tell you how excited I was when Caroline and Ryan asked me to their home for a newborn lifestyle session. These three are just so perfectly natural in front of the camera and really embrace the "lifestyle" approach. Even little Finley just GETS it! They all move in sync, need so little direction, and the LOVE and adoration they have for each other is just so palpable. Pensacola Infant Photographer

Ryan is a former baseball player for the Philadelphia Phillies, and we were thrilled to find that little Finley fit perfectly into his team glove for a few shots. She didn't protest, not one little bit. Just lounged back and went back to sleep. However, she wasn't thrilled about Caroline asking her to bench press the diaper dumbbell -- their fit friends' take on a diaper cake. But what's a newborn session without a little crying? Right?

If you're ready to book your own lifestyle session, just click the CONTACT link in the menu bar above and drop me a note. And take a moment to leave a comment on this blog post to help Caroline and Ryan earn a FREE 8x10 mounted print from their session. I'm sure they will remember your kindness when it's your turn.